25th October 2024

The Apollo Bay RSL has received a generous $5,000 donation from Colac RSL’s Show ‘n’ Shine committee this week to assist in their support of local veterans.
The annual Show ‘n’ Shine transformed Memorial Square in March with a display of cars and motorcycles from all eras and styles, attracting attendees to the event that raises funds for the Colac RSL.
“The aim of the event primarily is to raise whatever funds we can to assist veterans and their families,” Colac Show ‘n’ Shine committee chair Chris Potter said.
This year’s event raised $5000, with the committee deciding to donate the money to the Apollo Bay RSL.
Apollo Bay RSL president Edmund Shea said he and the committee were very pleased the Show ‘n’ Shine committee had chosen the Bay sub-branch to receive the donation.
“We will ensure that the donation is used appropriately for veterans’ welfare and to promote good health and wellbeing in the everyday life of veterans and families and shine a spotlight on the importance of social connectedness,” Edmund said.
“As far as this year’s funds, Apollo Bay RSL struggles financially with limited ability to raise money and rising costs, for example it costs thousands for them to hold ANZAC day services let alone help those in need, so with the support of the Colac RSL general committee we helped Apollo Bay out,” Chris said.
Excerpt: Colac Herald, click HERE to read full article
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