Backyard Farming Tips
Backyard Farming Tips

Who doesn’t love the idea of growing a salad right on the back porch or sowing a small edible garden? There is something very satisfying about growing and eating your own ‘produce’. And the good news is that you can do it just about anywhere.

We have a few great tips to get you started!

Setting up. If you are new to this then first decide what space you will allocate to your ‘plot’. Home farming can come in a few shapes and sizes from vertical gardens to raised garden beds to the popular converted fruit box arrangement. The second thing to think of is whether your garden is going to provide a little or a lot. A lot will require more space and more planning. A little backyard garden or vertical set up will require a little less planning, maintenance and water.

What to plant. You plant what you love to eat of course! And this time of the year provides some great opportunities for you to get a start on that harvest!! Quick wins are things such as lettuce and chilli and things to use in your home cooking and Spring eating. Carrots, celery and beans are also a little tricky to grow but are rewarding in that you can eat them straight from garden to table.

Herbalicious. Herbs provide every day cooking with a zing and freshness and getting them straight form your own herb garden is a satisfying way to cook. Right now all the herbs are on the table to plant and grow. Basil, Coriander, Mint and Parsley are in season to grow. And for those lacking in space, herb gardens can be grown on window sills, on table tops and anywhere you can think of. This is also another way to let your creative mind run a little with inventive ways and places to grow your herbs.

When to plant. This will be the most important thing to know about all this. Seasonal planting rules the backyard gardening world. There are some things that just won’t grow down here in this neck of the Australian woods. The best bet is to get a planting guide from any number of websites (make sure they are Australian) print it off and make your list. If you are a little more impatient then go for seedlings rather than seeds as they will generally grow quicker.

And there you have it! Get out there and get growing!


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