8th March 2014
Lorne – Market Round Up
The Melbourne residential real estate market continues to build good momentum on the back of the second consecutive weekend with in excess of 1,000 residential auctions and a strong clearance rate of 73% from the 1,127 auctions.
With the Labour Day long weekend this weekend there are 280 auctions scheduled as opposed to 206 that have been flagged for the same time last year. According to R.E.I.V. C.E.O. Enzo Raimondo this would be the highest number of auctions held for this particular weekend in six years which is line with the higher number of auctions we have been experiencing so far this year, he said.
On the back of the Reserve Bank of Australia keeping interest rates on hold last Tuesday the signs continue to be good for the ongoing strength of the Melbourne market, which in due course will gradually filter down the coast.
Lorne – Weekly Report
There’s been a real buzz around Lorne over the past week as the town prepares for the opening of the Lorne Sculpture Biennale. The Lorne shoreline has been transformed into a world-leading gallery with the exhibition of all shapes and sizes in place for the next four weekends. The official opening of the event will be at Mantra Conference Centre at 3:00pm on the 8th of March – make sure you get along and have a look!
To own a piece of Lorne still seems to be on most peoples agenda but for some reason a higher level of caution is being shown than what in my opinion is difficult to justify. In my opinion if you are able to tick 3 of the 4 statements there is no better time to buy in Lorne:
1. Lorne is arguably one of the most magical locations on the Australian coastline.
2. My lifestyle and enjoyment is number 1.
3. I only have limited time on this planet.
4. My financial position allows me to purchase a lifestyle asset at my will.
What are you waiting for – Lorne has never represented better value than right now compared to our coastal neighbouring towns – we are simply world class!
Great to see our local councillor coordinate a gathering of Lorne people for the “local opening” of the fantastic Swing Bridge. Henry Love cut the ribbon to signify the opening while Reverend Lynton Wade blessed the bridge for years to come. A very fitting and tasteful opening to one of our ongoing landmarks.
Open Houses
Saturday 8th March
11:00 – 11:30 4A Tradewinds Avenue, Lorne
11:00 – 11:30 63 Great Ocean Road, Lorne
12:00 – 1:00 Cumberland Resort, Lorne
1:00 – 1:30 118 Mountjoy Parade, Lorne
1:30 – 2:00 4/9 Albert Street, Lorne
1:30 – 2:00 25A Toorak Terrace, Lorne
3:00 – 3:30 77 Dorman Street, Lorne
4:00 – 4:30 3-9 Armytage Street, Lorne
Sunday 9th March
11:00 – 11:30 63 Great Ocean Road, Lorne
12:00 – 12:30 24 Grand Parade, Lorne
12:00 – 1:00 Cumberland Resort, Lorne
1:30 – 2:00 25A Toorak Terrace, Lorne
4:00 – 4:30 3-9 Armytage Street, Lorne
Monday 10th March
11:00 – 11:30 3-9 Armytage Street, Lorne
12:00 – 1:00 Cumberland Resort, Lorne
Lorne – No better place in the world
Lorne – You must have a look at this
“Sneak Peak” 1/15 Smith Street Lorne
An architect designed apartment in a boutique complex. Set over three levels, providing great separation with rumpus room, bedroom and bathroom on the ground floor, two bedrooms, two bathrooms on the mid level and a spacious open plan kitchen dining lounge area on the top level with expansive ocean views. The apartment is being sold on a walk in walk out basis and although 9 years old presents like brand new! For sale – $835,000.
Lorne – Great local slang
I’m as dry as a pommie’s bath mat – “Thirsty”.
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See you in Our Backyard.
Ian Stewart
0418 522 57