Our Backyard - Anglesea
Our Backyard – Anglesea
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If you read our blog on regular basis you will know that Kellie Saddington has recently resigned her post as Anglesea Branch Manager. On behalf of the Great Ocean Rd Real Estate Team I’d like to thank Kellie for her hard work and dedication over the past 6 years to the Anglesea Office. I know Kellie was greatly respected by many of our past and current clients and will be very much missed.

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Ben Jackson and I have recently been entrusted with the role of Branch Manager for our Anglesea Office. To give you a little of my background, I began my real estate career 10 years ago with Great Ocean Road Real Estate in Lorne and have since worked across our offices in Torquay and Aireys. For the last 4 years I have worked as a Licensed Estate agent in our Anglesea branch helping people realize their property aspirations in this very special part of the world. Fair to say I now have a good grasp of coastal property market dynamics, specifically on the Surf Coast across all facets of our business including sales, property management and holiday rentals.
Although far from an Anglesea ‘local’ I have had a long association with Anglesea enjoying holidays in my families holiday homes in Point Roadknight since 1987. I moved with my wife Kim to the Surfcoast in 2008 and we now have a 7 year old son Hamish who keeps us very busy.

I together with the Anglesea team look forward to continue striving to deliver the very best in property services to our valued Anglesea clients. The Anglesea Team consisting of James Worssam (Sales), Simon Taylor (Permanent Property Management), Liz Currie, Vicky Ziogas (Holiday Rentals) and Sharlene Day (Office Manager/Holiday Rentals) are all highly experienced in their fields and very capable.

We’re here 7 days a week and always happy to chat about how we can help you with any property related matter. Come into the office, call us or pop into an open home (when restrictions permit of course) we’re always happy to talk.

For and Behalf of the Anglesea Team.

Ben Jackson
Branch Manager
0437 380 706

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Selling a Secret-Off Market Opportunity

Due to COVID we have seen a reduction in our spring influx of seasonal new property listings to the market. However there has been an up-tick in off market transactions due to high buyer demand. We currently have one off market opportunity in Pt Roadknight on the beach side of the highway and another property in Noble Street where our owners have asked us to match their property with the right buyer from our database. If you would like to know more about either of these properties please call Ben Jackson on 0437 380 706.

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Open Houses

Private and Virtual By Appointment 7 days a week. Make a time to inspect.


Our Backyard - Lorne
May 28


Our Backyard - Lorne


Our Backyard - Anglesea
May 21


Our Backyard - Anglesea


Feb 18
